U.S. Army Service Uniform (Dress Blue) Overseas Service Stripe / Bars - Female
United States Army Service Uniform (Dress Blue) Overseas Service Bars Female Size
Criteria: Army Overseas Service Bars are worn on the Army Service Uniform to represent the cumulative amount of time spent overseas, with each stripe representing 6 months. Multiple Overseas Service Bars are worn simultaneously, extending vertically on the sleeve of the uniform.
Army Service Uniform Overseas Service Bars are goldenlite rayon-embroidered bar, 5/32 inch wide and 13/32 inch long, on a blue background that forms a 5/64-inch border around the bar. All personnel are authorized to wear overseas service bars.
The Overseas Service Bar is worn centered on the outside bottom half of the right sleeve of the Army green uniform coat. The lower edge of the overseas service bar is placed 1/4 inch above the sleeve braid of the coat for officer personnel, and 4 inches above and parallel to the bottom of the sleeve for enlisted personnel. Each additional bar is spaced 1/16 inch above, and parallel to the first bar.
Note: The number of stripes ordered come attached together as one large patch for simple application directly to the ASU coat.
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