Dog tags serve a sad, but necessary function in the U.S. military. They enable medical and mortuary affairs teams to identify wounded or dead service personnel and process them accordingly.
Dog tags can help medical personnel treat the wounded by providing critical identifiable information about the patient. Information like blood type and other medical information can be ascertained by simply identifying the wounded service member.
Dog tags can also be used by casualty affairs personnel to help them process the remains of service member. With the information contained on a dog tag, it triggers a multitude of processes that start once the deceased service member is identified.
Therefore, if dog tags are lost, it is important to know where and how to get replacement dog tags. And it is important to note that a person does not have to be in the service to benefit from dog tags. They can help those who are veterans or even civilians.
Here are five ways to get replacement dog tags.
1. Active-duty replacement dog tags
Members of the active-duty U.S. military in need of replacement dog tags should reach out to their unit administrative personnel for guidance on how to get replacement dog tags. Supply sections, personnel offices, operations shops, or the administrative orderly rooms are normally charged with managing dog tag programs.
Each branch of service and then each military occupation will likely have different offices that manage their replacement dog tags program. For example, in the Air Force, the supply section used to issue replacement dog tags because they were the section that provided airmen with mobilization gear. In the Army, it is the S-1 shop, or human resources, that normally manages the dog tag replacement program.
Active-duty personnel can also get replacement dog tags at USAMM. USAMM is dedicated to crafting the highest quality regulation military service ID tags available, offered for every branch of service. USAMM’s replacement dog tags are professionally made and regulation specific, covering the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard.
2. Reserve component replacement dog tags
Members of the Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve in need of replacement dog tags should reach out to their unit administrative personnel for guidance on how to get replacement dog tags. Supply sections, personnel offices, operations shops, or the administrative orderly rooms are normally charged with managing dog tag programs.
Each branch of service in the reserve component and then each military occupation will likely have different offices that manage their replacement dog tags program. For example, in the Air Force Reserve, the supply section used to issue replacement dog tags because they were the section that provided airmen with mobilization gear. In the Army Reserve, it is the S-1 shop, or human resources team, that normally manages the dog tag replacement program.
Reserve component personnel can also get replacement dog tags at USAMM. USAMM is dedicated to crafting the highest quality regulation military service ID tags available, offered for every branch of service. USAMM’s replacement dog tags are professionally made and regulation specific, covering the U.S. Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve.
3. National Guard replacement dog tags
Members of the Army and Air National Guard in need of replacement dog tags should reach out to their unit administrative personnel for guidance on how to get replacement dog tags. Supply sections, personnel offices, operations shops, or the administrative orderly rooms are normally charged with managing dog tag programs. A good place to start is your first line supervisor.
Each branch of service and then each military occupation will likely have different offices that manage their replacement dog tags program. For example, in the Air National Guard, the supply section used to issue replacement dog tags because they were the section that provided airmen with mobilization gear. In the Army National Guard, it is the S-1 shop, or human resources, that normally manages the dog tag replacement program. Again, it varies depending on the kind of unit that a service member is in.
National Guard personnel can also get replacement dog tags at USAMM. USAMM is dedicated to crafting the highest quality regulation military service ID tags available, offered for every branch of service. USAMM’s replacement dog tags are professionally made and regulation specific, covering the Army and Air National Guards from the different states and U.S. territories.
Once a service member has left the military, they are entitled to keep their dog tags since the tags have personal information on them and the dog tags cannot be reissued to another service member. When the tags are issued, they become property of the service member.
Most service personnel keep their dog tags as mementos of their time in service. Many use them on key chains, but that’s a security risk if a service member has the older style dog tags that have their social security number on them. If they lose their keys, their social security number is compromised. However, if the veteran has misplaced their military issued dog tags, replacement dog tags can be obtained through USAMM. The military services will no longer issue dog tags to veterans who have separated or retired.
Veterans can get replacement dog tags at USAMM. USAMM is dedicated to crafting the highest quality regulation military service ID tags available, offered for every branch of service. USAMM’s replacement dog tags are professionally made and regulation specific, covering the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard, and all three components; active-duty, reserve and National Guard.
5. Replacement dog tags for anyone
Looking for a unique military themed gift? Now you can create custom sets of military service ID tags using our new custom tag option. A personalized set of tags is a great gift for friends or family members.
Honorably discharged vet . Lost dog tags several years ago . Where can I send my information for replacement?
The reading stated retired vets can get dog tags replaced and then it said no mine were stolen could I get them?
I lost my dog tags can I get a replacement
For those interested in getting dog tags, please visit this link and use our dog tag builder.
Would like to replace my lost for tags. I was honorably discharged from the USAF served from 1986 to 1990. Where do I send any additional information
I have somehow lost or misplaced my dog tags from when I was in the army from 81 to 85. What do I need to do to replace it?
i need replacement dog tags (2) where do i send the information for the replacement dog tags?
I’m trying to see if there is a way to get a copy of my uncles military tags, cause he lost them yrs ago. I wanted to try to surprise him with it
Need replacement tags…
I was honorably discharged in 1971 from the Air Force and have misplaced my dog tags and would like to replace them, how do I go about completing this process.
I have a RED Medical Dogtag that list my medical allergies. I searched your site and could not find a red tag. The hole in my Red Medical Dogtag has been worn through. The only thing I could find were dogtags with a medical symbol on them. Has the army done away with the Red Medical dogtag?
Honorably discharged from USMC over 50 years ago but I have no idea what happened to my dog tags. Could I possibly get a replacement set?
Misplaced my original Navy dog tags-enlisted 1967 Honorably Discharged years later-would be proud to replace the original pair that I can not locate-Respectfully Anthony J Avena. Attended boot camp Chicago, Illinois-training Pensacola, Florida-deployed Cheltenham Maryland.
I would like to order a replacement set of my dog tags. I’m retired from the us navy…
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