If you’re a member of the U.S. military and serve in flight status, you will likely need at some point, flight suit name tags for your uniform. If you are a member of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, and you wear a flight suit, we can help you get the flight suit name tags that you need.
USAMM’s flight suit name tags are high-quality embossed flight suit name tags that are designed with care and approved by the U.S. Navy. Each name patch is built to your specifications while making it easy to follow the correct regulations and guidelines set by the military.
USAMM’s leather name tag builder will help you build a customized flight suit name tag online in just a matter of minutes. Our builder uses a simple interface to let you customize your leather name tags with your name, rank, status, and select from a wide selection of insignias we have in our database. Creating the perfect flight suit name tag has never been simpler.
We use top quality leather available in black and dark brown. Affix these beautiful two by four-inch name patches to your military or civilian pilot uniforms. Hook-and-loop backing makes it easy to add and remove your flight suit name tags to any jacket or flight suit. Also, all flight suit name tags ship the same or next business day, guaranteed.
Hook-and-loop backing makes it easy to attach your flight suit name tags to your flight helmet, uniform jacket, helmet bag or just about on anything that has hook-and-loop backing. And it is probably a good idea to order several because it is always good to have a backup or two.

According to the Navy human resources, all flight suit logos (except rank insignia) will be affixed with hook and pile fasteners. For sage green flight suits the hook and pile shall be green or black. For tan flight suits the hook and pile shall be tan. The pile shall be attached to the flight suit using a matching thread, while all logos will have pile material affixed in the color of the outer edge of the logo. All hook and pile material will be cut to the shape of the logo to be affixed.
Required nametags will be centered on the left breast above the slash pocket and below the shoulder seam. Flight suit name tags will be black or brown leather or cloth embroidered in squadron colors, and two inches by four inches in size, centered in the top field will be the aircrew designation insignia (i.e., pilot, NFO, aircrew, EAWS, etc.). The name in block letter will occupy the lower field and will include a minimum first name or initial and last name. The use of name accents is authorized. Where appropriate, billet title (i.e., CO, XO, CAG, etc.) is optional.
On the flight jacket, rank will be indicated on the nametag. Required flight suit name tags will be centered on the left breast above the slash pocket and below the shoulder seam. Name tags for sage green jackets or vest will be black or brown leather or cloth embroidered in squadron colors, and two inches by four inches in size. Name tags for tan jackets will be brown leather or matching tan cloth embroidered in squadron colors and two inches by four inches in size. Centered in the top field will be the aircrew designation insignia (i.e., pilot, NFO, aircrew, EAWS, etc.). The name block letter will occupy the lower field and will include a minimum first name or initial and last name. The use of name accents is authorized. Where appropriate, billet title (i.e., CO, XO, CAG, etc.) is optional. Patches may be affixed to the CWU-36/P Summer weight jacket either by hook and pile or directly to the jacket at the discretion of the individual, subject to commanding officer guidance. Patches will not be affixed to the Multi-Climate Shell jacket. In all cases, patches will be in conservative and will be reflective of naval aviation professionalism.
The CWU-45/P Winter Flyers Jacket, CWU-36/P Summer Flyers Jacket, Multi-Climate Fleece Jacket, Climate Fleece Vest, and the Multi-Climate Shell Jacket may be worn with flight suits, but are not authorized for wear off base. Sage Green or tan jackets may be worn with green or tan flight suits. The vest may only be worn with either the green or tan flight suit. Sage green jackets may also be worn with working uniforms in the immediate area of requirement if issued by the command. Sage green jackets are not authorized with any service uniform (with ribbons). The jacket will be worn with the zipper zipped at least 3/4 of the way. Jacket will be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition.
Naval aviators, pilots, flight officers, undergraduate pilots, NFOs, and flight surgeons, aerospace experimental psychologists, and aerospace physiologists may wear the brown leather flight jacket with flight suits, service khaki and Navy blue coveralls. Eligible enlisted air crewmen, E7 - E9, are authorized to wear the leather flight jacket with flight suits, service Khaki and Navy Blue Coveralls.
Eligible enlisted aircrewmen E6 and below are authorized to wear the leather flight jacket with flight suits, service uniform and Navy blue coveralls. Only direct point to point transit is appropriate when the flight jacket is worn to and from work with working uniforms (excluding Navy blue coveralls, which may be worn in immediate working spaces only). Close zipper at least 3/4 of the way when worn.
Over the left breast, in black or brown, not larger than two inches by four inches, leather flight suit name tags are worn. Centered in the top field will be the aircrew designation insignia (i.e., pilot, NFO aircrew EAWS, etc.). The name in block letters will occupy the lower field and will include a minimum first name or initial and last name. The use of name accents is authorized. Where appropriate, billet title (i.e., CO, XO, CAG, etc.) is optional.
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