Why the U.S. Changed Coast Guard Uniforms

Black and white picture of an enlisted sailor pointing at rope knots on the wall in front of an officer

The interservice rivalry and gentle joking between the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard has gone on for centuries. Navy veterans joke about being from the blue water Navy, often referring to Coasties as the shallow water navy. But the truth is that both of the services have vastly different missions and they are, during peacetime, two completely separate services which is part of the reason U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Chester R. Bender decided to ensure everyone knew there was a difference between the two sea services.

But before we discuss why the U.S. changed Coast Guard uniforms, it is important to know some history. In 1915, the Coast Guard Act was passed and it merged the U.S. Life-Saving Service with the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service. Those in the newly formed Coast Guard wore similar uniforms to the U.S. Navy and the structure of the Coast Guard was similar to the Navy.

According to the Coast Guard history office, from the time of the adoption of the rank of chief petty officer (CPO) by the Coast Guard in 1920, the Coast Guard CPO’s uniform paralleled that of the Navy’s CPO uniform. With minor modifications, including the addition of a Coast Guard shield device on the right sleeve, this essentially “Navy” uniform remained the regulation uniform for Coast Guard chiefs until 1975. Enlisted men, below the rank of petty officer, adopted the Navy-style white duck hat, though the traditional “Donald Duck” flat cap remained standard. Maybe that’s why the U.S. changed Coast Guard uniforms, some might ask, but that’s not the reason.

According to the U.S. Defense Department, the Coast Guard uniform in 1941 took a small step to distinguish itself from the Navy and started to offer glimpses as to why the U.S. changed Coast Guard uniforms. Coast Guard uniforms were the same as Naval uniforms and included the khakis. The Coast Guard added distinguishing corps devices, buttons, shoulder marks, that were distinctively Coast Guard. One of those items, the officer’s cap device was the most obvious difference. It consisted of a large gold spread eagle with shield, with a single horizontal anchor held in the eagle’s talons. The Navy’s has a smaller silver eagle over crossed anchors.

The Coast Guard uniform coat also continued to have the national shield placed above the sleeve rank stripes. Coast Guard gilt buttons centered their design on a perpendicular anchor, with a rope like inner-rim. The Naval button consisted of an eagle, facing dexter over a horizontal anchor.

Why the U.S. changed Coast Guard uniforms was truly answered in 1970 when Bender became commandant of the Coast Guard. He believed the Coast Guard should create a unique uniform that stood out from the Navy’s. Bender also believed the Navy’s enlisted bluejacket uniform detracted from the authority of senior enlisted personnel. 

Bender organized a uniform-change board. The board got to work and proposed a uniform similar to the old Surfman’s uniform. The uniform’s color was suggested by the Army’s Nattic Research Lab. It was unique and unlike any other military service. The board recommended enlisted uniforms that would be similar to officer uniforms.   

Bender then took the board’s recommendations and disseminated them throughout the Coast Guard. He surveyed Coasties and the new designs were widely lauded by enlisted personnel, but officers did not care for them. Coast Guard aviators were especially unhappy because they were poised to lose their beloved distinctive aviator greens and accompanying leather jackets.

The Coast Guard Blue uniform was approved by Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe in 1972. The uniform is known as the “Bender Blues.” Today, the only uniforms still identical to the Navy’s are the officer’s summer white service and full-dress combinations.

When you see a Coastie in uniform remember that Bender saw value in and wanted to show respect for CPOs and he wanted the service to have its own unique look, and those are the best answers as to why the U.S. changed Coast Guard uniforms.

3 minute read

Written by Jared Zabaldo

Jared Zabaldo is a U.S. Army veteran and entrepreneur, known for founding USA Military Medals (USAMM). During his military service, he worked as a military journalist (46Q), where he covered a range of stories while deployed in Iraq. His journalism and military experience shaped his leadership skills and business acumen. After leaving the service, he used this background to create USAMM, a company offering military insignia and custom ribbon racks. Under his leadership, the business has grown into a major e-commerce operation serving millions of veterans nationwide.


I was a “model” for the new uniform when I was an ET stationed at YBI in 1972. The district asked me to wear the new unform whenever possible, including inspections, and to report back on what comments were made. The chiefs didn’t like it, and the officers that did say anything were not in favor. Our base CO stopped during the first inspection that I wore it and said, “I don’t like it”. I then got the word later that he didn’t want me to stand inspection in that uniform, so I was able to sit out the subsequent inspections, as I had been told to wear the uniform on such occasions. My short, sad, modeling career!

Dave Telling,

Here’s what I posted elsewhere about Bender’s Blues.

I am a combat Veteran, USCG 1977 to 1974. In my final six months the USCG went through a uniform change, from everyone wearing snappy dress blues and summer whites, to the wearing the ugliest uniforms ever known to grace a military man (maybe the Air Force shares such distinction, I’ll leave that up to everyone else to decide).

The then-new dress uniform was a matching “blazer” and slacks in a medium blue. Underneath was an aqua or pastel blue shirt and a dark blue tie. I looked at it as something the Commandant’s wife cooked up during afternoon tea at the Officer’s Club where the “Uniform Committee” decided that was a swell look. At the time I derided it as looking like a bastardized Air Force uniform.

Michael Mortimer,

I enlisted in 1975 and the only old uniform I saw was worn by the petty officer who picked us up at the Cape May ferry. Never met any old salt who liked the new uniform.

Charlie Howard,

Never was the same. A man in the dress blues with a good rolled white hat caught the attention of many sweet hearts. After the change, no one knew who you were.

Sonny Guizzetti ,

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