How to Wear Your Military Lapel Pins Correctly

how to wear military lapel pins ribbon

Are you a veteran, service member, retiree, or military family member looking to show your service pride? Wearing lapel pins is an excellent way to do this; however, it’s important that these symbols are worn in the appropriate manner. By learning how to wear military lapel pins correctly, you can honor military service with class. Fortunately, we have put together the ultimate guide on how to wear military lapel pins, so read on for all the details.

How to Wear Military Lapel Pins

Military lapel pins are meaningful symbols for veterans, military personnel, and their families. They represent duty, honor, and dedication to the nation. However, wearing military pins also comes with a set of guidelines that must be observed.

It is essential to understand the rules for wearing military lapel pins to show respect for their significance and the sacrifices they represent. A common guideline is to wear only one lapel pin on the left lapel of a suit jacket, blazer or dress. The pin should be centered on the lapel or someplace similar on an item of clothing that does not have lapels.

The lapel pin should not be too large or small compared to the jacket. Another rule is to wear pins of the highest rank or award first if multiple pins are being worn. You want to show your pride and honor for your service, but you also don't want to overwhelm your outfit with too many pins. You should keep it professional. The key is to find a balance.

Consider the occasion, your rank, and the number of pins you have. If you have multiple pins, as previously stated, start with the one that represents your highest honor or rank and then add others that hold significant meaning. If you have one or two pins, be selective with where you place them on your lapel. Ultimately, the decision on how many pins to wear is up to you, but whatever you choose, wear them with pride and honor. By following these guidelines, it will be clear to others that you know how to wear military lapel pins.

how to wear military lapel pins flag

When it comes to wearing military lapel pins, it can be a bit tricky to figure out where to put them. Whether you're displaying your military rank, honoring your branch of service, or showing support for a loved one who served, the placement of your lapel pin can make a big difference in how it's perceived.

Where to Wear?

How to wear military lapel pins is up to you. Some people choose to place their pins on the left lapel of their jacket or shirt, near the heart, while others prefer to showcase them on the right as a sign of pride and respect. And others choose to wear them as a tie tack or put them on a hat. Whichever placement you choose, be sure to wear your pin with intention and pride.

When it comes to wearing military lapel pins, it's important to know the correct order in which to put them on. Not only does it show respect for the symbols being displayed, but it also honors the organization or branch of service you represent.

Generally, the order in which you wear your pins is determined by the level of honors or awards you've received. A good rule of thumb for how to wear military lapel pins is to wear the highest-ranking pin on your left lapel, closest to your heart, with additional pins on the right lapel in order of descending rank. By following these guidelines, you'll be able to proudly display your pins in a way that properly represents your accomplishments and the values of your organization.

Wearing military lapel pins is a great way to show pride and honor for the armed forces. However, making sure your lapel pins are facing upward can be a challenge. It's important that you know how to wear military lapel pins correctly to avoid any disrespect or confusion.

how to wear military lapel pins usaf retired

The first step is to identify which side is up on the lapel pin. Look for the emblem or design on the pin, as this should be facing upward. For most military ribbons, this should be easy enough. Ranks, flags, and things like unit insignias should be fairly easy to determine which side is up. This is important because if you are wearing the U.S. flag, you do not want to walk around with it upside down with it on your lapel.

Next, properly secure the pin to your lapel with the back clutch. Be mindful of any movement or adjustments made throughout the day, ensuring the pin stays in place and facing upward. By wearing your military lapel pins correctly, you can show how to wear military lapel pins correctly with respect to those who have served.

The Law and Lapel Pins

If you’re wondering if there are any laws or official rules that govern how to wear military lapel pins, well, the answer is, yes. U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Subsection 8 states: “No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.”

As an avid supporter of the military, retiree, veteran or military family member, you might want to display your pride and loyalty through your choice of military pins. Remember to periodically refresh your knowledge of how to wear military lapel pins. Understanding what types of pins there are, where to place them, and how many to wear will help you properly display your support.

how to wear military lapel pins navy 

But remember, the question shouldn’t only be how to wear military lapel pins, but also how to care for military pins. With proper care, these pins can last a lifetime - making sure that your pride continues to shine through! So, for all of your military pin needs - shop now!

Remember, there's no wrong way to show your support for the U.S. military, but there are wrong ways on how to wear military lapel pins.

4 minute read

Written by Jared Zabaldo

Jared Zabaldo is a U.S. Army veteran and entrepreneur, known for founding USA Military Medals (USAMM). During his military service, he worked as a military journalist (46Q), where he covered a range of stories while deployed in Iraq. His journalism and military experience shaped his leadership skills and business acumen. After leaving the service, he used this background to create USAMM, a company offering military insignia and custom ribbon racks. Under his leadership, the business has grown into a major e-commerce operation serving millions of veterans nationwide.

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