Army Ribbon Rack Builder
I spent about a decade as an enlisted guy in the U.S. Air Force and Air Force Reserve before making the leap to the U.S. Army as a commissioned officer. As a new Army officer, I had to determine what Air Force awards I could wear on my Army uniform. I did it the old school way, by reading regulations, looking at charts and tables and painstakingly piecing my ribbon rack together. Back in the day, there was no military ribbon rack builder. There were no technological aids.
Then before I retired, I had one more promotion board to which I was required to submit a packet. A first sergeant walked by my office and saw me trying to piece together my ribbon rack and she recommended that I check out the Army ribbon rack builder. She directed me to the website and all I had to do was find my ribbons and medals, select them, and the Army ribbon rack builder built a virtual ribbon rack and placed them in order of precedence according to Army regulations. All I had to do was click my mouse. There was no need to look up regulations, examine pictures, or explore Army ribbon charts. I also didn’t have to go to the store and spend all kinds of time sorting through individual ribbons. I just found the authorized award on the web page, clicked it and added it to my awards batch, and the Army ribbon rack builder took care of the rest by placing them in order of precedence and attaching devices where required. I was able to easily include medals I earned in the Global War on Terror by using the Army ribbon rack builder. If you’re a member of the U.S. Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard, the Army ribbon rack builder can help you build a regulation Army ribbon rack with ease.
Navy Ribbon Rack Builder
And if there is an Army ribbon rack builder, rest assured there is also a Navy ribbon rack builder. The Navy ribbon rack builder works on the same platform as the Army ribbon rack builder, only, you guessed it, the Navy ribbon rack builder is designed to help U.S. Navy, Naval Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve personnel build a rack. If you are a member of the naval services and you have served in the U.S. Army, Air Force or Coast Guard, you can select in the Navy ribbon rack builder authorized awards to include in your ribbon rack. The Navy ribbon rack builder also includes Department of Defense awards created for U.S. military personnel who have served in various roles and campaigns in the Global War on Terror.
Air Force Ribbon Rack Builder
Similarly, the Air Force ribbon rack builder can help members of the U.S. Air Force, Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard organize a virtual ribbon rack online. Military members who served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps can include authorized awards from these branches of service when they use the Air Force Ribbon Rack Builder. The Air Force ribbon rack builder uses the same technological platform as its sister service rack builders and helps airmen create a regulation-compliant ribbon rack. The Air Force ribbon rack builder also includes recently added Air Force ribbons that have been added to the U.S. Air Force’s award inventory since the start of operations in the Global War on Terror.
CAP Ribbon Rack Builder
The U.S. Air Force has stated that in addition to the Air Reserve and Air National Guard, that the Civil Air Patrol or CAP is a member of its total force package. That said, CAP members can use the CAP ribbon rack builder to build their ribbon rack. As the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force founded in 1941, CAP has a large inventory of ribbons and awards that are worn by its nearly 70,000 senior members and cadets.
CAP authorizes its members to wear certain U.S. military awards on their CAP uniforms, and the CAP ribbon rack builder can help you determine what branch specific awards are authorized for wear on your CAP uniforms. The CAP ribbon rack builder takes the mystery out of assembling a CAP ribbon rack. And like the other ribbon rack builders, the CAP ribbon rack builder allows you to choose, large or small racks, and regular or thin ribbons.
Military Ribbon Rack Builder
The military ribbon rack builder, as you can see, can be customized for any branch of service to build a customized military ribbon rack. By using the military ribbon rack builder, service members can get their uniforms ready for inspections, schools and significant events like balls, weddings and ceremonies. The military ribbon rack builder can also be used by veterans who have decided to make their military ribbons a keepsake of their military service. For those who are unfamiliar with military service and are trying to assemble a veteran’s military awards, the ease of use of the military ribbon rack builder can help navigate the awards and decorations landscape of the U.S. military with award selections from all branches of service, including the U.S. Space Force which was formed in December 2019 and falls under the purview of the Department of the Air Force.
Large Ribbon Rack Builder/Small Ribbon Rack Builder
Regardless of what branch of service you choose, the large ribbon rack builder is likely going to be your solution for most of your uniform needs. The large ribbon rack builder helps you construct your regulation-sized military ribbon racks for use on your uniforms. But if you’re looking for a way to show your military pride, say on a helmet flight bag, a small ruck sack or on a mission bag, the small ribbon rack builder is the way to go and is a nice complement to morale patches. Using the small ribbon rack builder will enable you to build a tiny military ribbon rack that you can attach to just about anything. They make great conversation starters and to fellow veterans who see them they say that you’ve been there, done that.
The best part about using the large ribbon rack builder and the small ribbon rack builder is that you can create them and attach them using magnets, traditional pins, or even make them stickers. You can build them using traditional ribbons or thin ribbons. The choice is yours, but using the large ribbon rack builder or the small ribbon rack builder puts you in control with just a click of the mouse.
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