Navy Combat Action Ribbon History
The Combat Action Ribbon is an award for Navy and Marine Corps personnel who render satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in a ground or surface engagement. The ribbon is also presented to Coast Guard members who are mobilized under U.S. Navy control.
Created in February 1969, it was originally retroactive to March 1, 1961 to personnel who met the requirements. However, the eligibility was changed to include participants of Word War II. Personnel dating back to December 7th, 1941 can be eligible for the award.
Navy Combat Action Ribbon Eligibility
The Navy Combat Action Ribbon is awarded to members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (when the Coast Guard, or units thereof, operate under the control of the Navy) in the grade of captain/colonel and junior thereto, who have actively participated in ground or surface combat.
The principal eligibility criterion is, regardless of military occupational specialty or rating, the individual must have rendered satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in a ground or surface engagement. Neither service in a combat area nor being awarded the Purple Heart Medal automatically makes a service member eligible for the Combat Action Ribbon.
In 2006, the secretary of the Navy added additional guidance in establishing eligibility. Personnel with direct exposure to the detonation of an improvised explosive device (IED) used by an enemy, with or without the immediate presence of enemy forces, constitutes active participation in a ground or surface engagement. Eligibility under this criterion is retroactive to Oct. 7, 2001.
Personnel who serve in clandestine or special operations, who by the nature of their mission, are restricted in their ability to return fire, and who are operating in conditions where the risk of enemy fire was great and expected to be encountered, may be eligible for the Combat Action Ribbon.
The Combat Action Ribbon will not be awarded to personnel for aerial combat, since the Air Medal provides recognition for aerial combat exposure; however, a pilot or crewmember forced to escape or evade, after being forced down, may be eligible for the award.
Current U.S. Navy personnel who were formerly in the U.S. Army and earned the Combat Infantryman Badge or Combat Medical Badge, upon submission of official military documentation to their commanding officer, may be authorized to wear the Combat Action Badge.
Award of the Combat Action Ribbon
Only one award of the Combat Action Ribbon is authorized per operation. Additional awards of the Combat Action Ribbon are represented by wearing a gold or silver, 5/16th inch stars on the service ribbon.
Other branches of services outside of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard are not eligible to receive the Combat Action Ribbon.
Award of the Combat Action Ribbon, unlike other personal awards, is not subject to time limits.
Additional Eligibility for the Combat Action Ribbon
In addition to those eligible from 1941 to a date to be determined, the following criteria also apply:
- Personnel in riverine and coastal operations, assaults, patrols, sweeps, ambushes, convoys, amphibious landings, and similar activities who have participated in firefights are eligible.
- Personnel assigned to areas subjected to sustained mortar, missile, and artillery attacks who actively participate in retaliatory or offensive actions are eligible.
- Personnel aboard a ship are eligible when the safety of the ship and the crew was endangered by enemy attack, such as a ship hit by a mine or a ship engaged by shore, surface, air, or sub-surface elements.
- Personnel serving in peacekeeping missions, if not eligible by other criteria, are eligible to receive the award when all of the following criteria are met:
- The member was subject to hostile, direct fire;
- Based on the mission and the tactical situation, not returning fire was the best course of action; and
- The member was in compliance with the rules of engagement and his orders by not returning fire.
Eligible Operations for the Combat Action Ribbon
Check with your Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard chain of command of service specific human resources office for guidance about which operations are considered eligible.
Problem I have after 52 years I doubt I could find anyone to verify that I was in a short fire fight south of Da Nang air base around the beginning of April, 1972. I was with 3 Army guys and it was maybe a 5-minute fight. I ended up with a very small bent piece of metal in my left butt cheek that blead a lot but the medic back at Da Nang just picked it out and bandaged it up. No stiches, just a piece of medic tape across it. I was in the Navy and flew into Da Nang from the Constellation to see if one of our planes could be repaired and I got stuck there for 6 days. I didn’t even know there was a CAR until about 10 years ago. It isn’t a big deal but if there was any way I could verify it I would send in a request. My records including medical were all onboard the Connie, nothing in there talks about the bleeding butt.
Please Let me know if we ever get that medal with the ribbon. Semper Fi.
got my car in January 1970. was in CAP unit in quang nam province. out from hoi ahn. we set up an ambush vc showed up. I took out 1 and wounded another. had to write it up for 2ndcag. got called in the compound. thought I was in trouble. told the account and they gave me a CAR. had never heard of it. end of story.
Tony Almendarez-
We are sorry to hear about the death of your very brave son. It seems as if you are doing the right thing by asking for his military records. Always remember you an also enlist the assitance of your elected officials. They can help loosen log jams in the military system if you ask them for help. We hope you and your son get the medals he rightfully earned. Respectfully. Steve
My son served in Navy as a corpman and always attached to the marines. In spring of 1975 he was wounded when motar shellings hit his barrack and threw him out of bed, he was wounded, despite his wounds. he carried for other marines who were sligfhtly wounded and called air evac for those seriously wounded. It was after he carried for his fellow marines he took care of himself. He received the purple heart whether for this action or not but no citation. I also have a copy of a proposed citation for the bronze star and “V” for valor. He never got the bronze star. I asked the Navy Personnel Center for this information. He also received the combat action ribbon. My son passed away on 15 Mar 2023 and I am expecting answers from Navy archives. For his heroic actions, I feel he is deserving much higher awards.
Donald Drake-
Have seen that you’ve twice posted the same question and we want to help. Please read this blog post and follow the guidace in it. Recommend you contact your service specific human resources office or reach out to your congressman/woman for assistance. Good luck. Glad we can help. Steve at USAMM
MCB10 went ashore in chu lia Vietnam in 65 and pushed inland to build a air strip are we eligible for the ribbon and medal
Iam retired from Marine Corps ( 1976-96)…I was on Naval Ship and was sitting outside Somolia…We were taken off ship and placed on shore around Air Field to secure it when they were trying to evacuate Americans, then we routinely had watch around field in bunkers. Also was at the Gulf of Sidera, on standby ,apon ship waiting to go on shore, …I remember our Unit had LIVE fire coming on us ,one night, We were resting for the night and Alarms went off, Had to DAWN GasMask, Helmet FlackJackets,ECT…Rounds being fired from different locations..I certainly feel that rates the CAR !!
My CAR Story –
On April 19, 1972, I was the GQ OOD on the USS Higbee, DD-806, on a shore bombardment run off Dong Hoi, North Viet Nam in company with the USS Oklahoma, USS Lloyd Thomas and USS Sterett when we were attacked by two NVN MIGs. A bomb dropped on their first pass missed, but a second pass scored a hit, completely destroying our after 5" gun mount, starting a fuel oil fire, and punching13 holes in the hull below the waterline. Our damage control team did a great job, and we limped back to Subic for repairs. The Sterett downed one of the MIGs with a Terrier missile.
Yes, it should be a medal.
In a Navy unit during 2nd battle of Ramadi Iraq 2006 attached to the 1/6 Marines and did missions with 69th armored division. Multiple shots fired at our convoys and on our combat outpost in the city. 1 mission even involved blown out tires on my truck and evacuating from the city by way of Abraham tanks which were our security. I never fired a round so I’m not authorized to wear a car? I retire in 3 weeks.
MCB 10 went ashore in chu Lai Vietnam in 1965 to build a air strip are we getting the medal
Served aboard USS Mansfield DD-728 Oct 66-Aug 68. Sep 25,1967 while on operation Sea Dragon North of DMZ we were struck by an enemy shore battery and sustained casualties, which included the death of one of our shipmates. It wasn’t until after I was discharged that I learned that my ship was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon and the Navy Unit Commendation for operations while I was onboard. I was still in the Reserves and had my command request these awards which were eventually presented to me.
I agree with Mr. Bergmeister. We have the ribbon so why not a medal to go with it.
RG Smith:
Our advice, as veterans and military retirees is that if you want changes in the service, you need to engage your elected officials and make them work for you. The CAR is a ribbon and we respect the argument that it should be a medal. We recommend mobilizing your local veterans groups and getting a meeting with your local congressional rep. Draft up solutions to make their job easier. All they can do is say “no.”
As for the CAR not being awarded to air crews, that’s a great point. Maybe it is because aircrews get other awards like Air Medals and such. Again, we recommend getting vet groups involved and putting those politicians to work. And if you were told you would get an award and you haven’t, definitely engage your congressional rep.
Hope this helps. Thanks for the comments. —Steve at USAMM
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