Military Separation Codes
September 16, 2021Any individual who has served on active duty since 1950 knows the DD Form 214. It is the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and it is issued upon a service member’s retirement, separation or discharge from active duty. The 214 captures the most important components of a military member’s service to include training, awards and decorations, periods of overseas service, reenlistment eligibility and character of service.
In addition, the reason why a person left active duty is also included on the 214, but it is coded in such a way that the average service member or civilian will not know what the codes mean. These military separation codes are located on the 214 and are used to categorize a veteran’s separation from the active-duty military. There are literally hundreds of military separation codes and mostly they are used by various government agencies to help administer benefits; like the Department of Veterans Affairs which can use the codes to provide medical, educational or home loan lending benefits.
There was a time when military separation codes were used by employers for screening prospective employees. Today, the Department of Defense no longer allows the services to define the codes. Military separation codes, are also known as SPN Codes, Spin Codes, Discharge Codes, Separation Codes, Separation Program Designator (SPD Codes) and Separation Program Numbers (SPN numbers). Usually, the military separation code is found in Box 26 of the 214 long form.
Remember, the U.S. military no longer releases the definition of these military separation codes. The military separation codes listed here were collected from various public sources. It is possible that some of these codes have changed and/or that new ones have been added.
The bottom line is that these military separation codes listed below are used for informational purposes only. Use them at your own risk understanding that you must verify any military separation code with a proper DD Form 214 issuing authority. Meaning, if you discover a military separation code that doesn’t seem right, you should reach out to the organization that issued the 214 and inquire about how to change the military separation codes that appear on the 214.
Lastly, don’t panic if you find a military separation code that is incorrect on your military records or on the records of a loved one. With some effort and a lot of patience, military records, to include 214s with incorrect military separation codes, can be corrected if the wrong military separation code is included on a 214.
Veterans service organizations can assist you in correcting erroneous military separation codes and your elected representative can also assist you in correcting any military separation codes you might not agree with, but remember, the key is that you must have proof that it is incorrect and you must be prepared to show cause that the military separation code needs correction.
For millions of veterans, however, the military separation codes are accurate and reflect the correct reasons why they were separated from active duty.
Military Separation Codes
B70 - Death, Battle Casualty - Navy
B79 - Death, Battle Casualty - Navy
BDK - Security reason
BFS - Good of the Service, conduct triable by court-martial
BHJ - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
BHK - Unsuitability, substandard performance
BLF - Drug use
BLM - Unfitness (Reason Unknown)
BMN - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
BNC - Misconduct, Misconduct, moral or professional dereliction
or in interests of national security
CBL - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
DCH - Early Release - To teach
DER - Disability - Non-EPTS - No Severance Pay
DFS - Good of the Service, conduct triable by court-martial
EKD - AWOL, Desertion
ELPAC - Entry Level Performance & Conduct
FBC - Other
FBK - Expiration of Term of Service
FBL - Expiration of Term of Service
FCM - Conscientious Objector
FDF - Pregnancy
FDG - Parenthood
FFT - Physical standards, no disability
FGM - To accept commission
FHC - In lieu of discharge
FHG - Serving under suspended sentence to dismissal
FKD - AWOL, Desertion
FND - Miscellaneous reasons (Unqualified resignation)
GDK - Security reason
GFN - Released for Conditions Existing Prior to Service
GFT - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
GFV - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
GHF - Other
GHJ - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
GHK - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
GJB - Court Martial
GKA - Discreditable Incidents - Civilian or Military
GKB - Civil Court conviction
GKD - AWOL, Desertion
GKE - Financial Irresponsibility
GKG - Fraudulent Entry
GKH - Lack of Dependent Support
GKK - Drug use
GKL - Sexual Perversion
GKQ - No listing at this time. However, all GK - Series appears ineligible for re-enlistment.
GKS - AWOL, Desertion
GLB - Discreditable Incidents - Civilian or Military
GLF - Drug use
GLG - Financial Irresponsibility
GLH - Lack of Dependent Support
GLJ - Shirking
GLK - Unsanitary Habits
GLL - Sexual Perversion
GMB - Character or Behavior Disorder
GMC - Enuresis
GMD - Ineptitude
GMF - Sexual Perversion
GMG - Alcoholism
GMH - Financial Irresponsibility
GMJ - Motivational problems
GMJ - Shirking
GMK - Character or Behavior Disorder
GMM - Drug use
GMN - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
GMP - Unsanitary Habits
GNC - Misconduct (Reason Unknown)
GPB - Drug use
H21 - H23 - Death-, Non - Battle, Other (USMC)
H25 - H59 - Death, Non - Battle, Other (USMC)
H31 - Death, Non - Battle, Other (USMC)
H4G - Death, Non - Battle, Other (USMC)
H51 - Death, Non - Battle, Other (USMC)
H61 - 1169 - Death, Battle Casualty - Marine
HBF - Early Release - To attend school
HCR - No listing at this time.
HDF - Pregnancy
HDK - Security reason
HFT - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
HFV - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
HGH - [No definition for this code at this time]
HHJ - Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
HJB - Court Martial
HKA - Discreditable Incidents - Civilian or Military
JDP - Breach of Contract
JDR - Early Release - Other
JDR - Strength reduction. first term airman, USAF
JDT - USN, USMC, Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JED - Early Release - Insufficient Retainability
JEH - USAF Expeditious Discharge
JEM - Army Trainee Discharge
JEM - USAF Expeditious Discharge
JEM - USN, USMC Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JET - Army Trainee Discharge
JET - USAF Trainee Discharge (See also JGA)
JFA - No description at this time.
JFB - Minority, Underage
JFBI - Physical disability that existed prior to entry. was revealed by Marine during enlistment processing and was waived by AFEES or higher headquarters, USMC
JFC - Enlisted/reenlisted/extended/inducted in error/ Erroneous Enlistment or Induction
JFC1 - Erroneous enlistment; a medical board determined that Marine failed to meet required physical standards for enlistment. Marine was not aware of defect and defect was not detected or waived by AFEES, USMC
JFF - Secretarial Authority
JFG (1 - 7) - USMC Other, for the Good of the Service
JFG (9) - USMC Trainee Discharge
JFG (B) - USMC Expeditious Discharge
JFG - Army, Navy, USAF Discharge by competent authority w/o Board Action. (Failure to resign - failed to meet
entrance physical requirement)
JFL - Physical Disability - Severance Pay or Juvenile Offender
JFL - Physical disability. entitled to severance pay., USN - Officers
JFL1 - Physical disability with severance pay, USAF
JFL2 - Physical disability that existed prior to service but was aggravated by the Service, with severance pay, USAF
JFM - Physical disability existing prior to entry on active duty established by physical evaluation board proceedings. Not entitled to severance pay., USN - Enlisted
JFM - Physical disability existing prior to service as established by physical evaluation board. Not entitled to severance pay., USN Officers
JFM - Released for Conditions Existing Prior to Service
JFM2 - Physical disability that existed prior to entry. disability was unknown by Marine but was detected and waived by AFEES or higher headquarters, USMC
JFM3 - Physical disability that existed prior to entry for any reason not falling within the purview of JFM1 or JFM2, USMC
JFN - Physical disability existing prior to service as established by medical board. not entitled to severance pay., USN - Officers
JFN - Released for Conditions Existing Prior to Service
JFN1 - Physical disability determined by a medical board that existed prior to entry. disability was revealed by Marine during enlistment processing and waived by AFEES or higher headquarters, USMC
JFN2 - Physical disability determined by a medical board that existed prior to entry. disability was unknown to Marine but detected and waived by AFELS or higher headquarters, USMC
JFN3 - Physical disability determined by a medical board that existed prior to entry; any reason not falling within the purview of JFN1 or JFN2, USMC
JFP - Misconduct (Reason Unknown) or Disability not in the line of duty
JFR - Disability - Non-EPTS - No Severance Pay
JFR - Physical disability not existing prior to entry on active duty established by physical evaluation board processing. Not entitled to severance pay., USN - Enlisted
JFR1 - Physical disability that existed prior to service and not aggravated by the Service, without severance pay, USMC
JFT - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
JFU - Positive Urinalysis
JFV - Physical condition, not a disability, interfering with performance of duty, USN - Enlisted
JFV1 - Discharge because of a physical condition which is not disabling. Involuntary, USMC
JFV5 - Medical board determination of obesity, USMC
JFV6 - Discharge because of a physical condition which is not disabling (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae), USMC
JFX - Personality disorder (See also JMB)
JFW - Erroneous enlistment; Medical condition disqualifying for military service, with no medical waiver approved.
JG7 - Army, Navy, USMC Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JG7 - USAF Trainee Discharge
JGA - Entry level status performance and conduct or entry level status performance - pregnancy
JGB - Failure of selection for permanent promotion
JGB - Failure to select for promotion. not retirement eligible, USN - Officers
JGC - Failure to select for promotion. not retirement eligible, USN - Officers
JGC1 - Failure of selection for promotion, USAF
JGF - Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JGH - Army, Air Force Expeditious Discharge
JGH - USN, USMC Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JHD - Disqualified from officer candidate training physical, USN - Enlisted
JHD - Navy Expeditious Discharge
JHD - Other
JHE - Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
JHF - Failed to meet course standards
JHJ - Army, USMC, USAF Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)/ Unsatisfactory performance
JHK - Unsuitability, substandard performance
JHM - Misconduct (Reason Unknown)
JIV - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
JJB - Court Martial
JJC - Court Martial, Desertion
JJD - Court Martial, Other
JKA - Discreditable Incidents - Civilian or Military
JKB - Civil Court conviction
JKD - AWOL, Desertion
JKE - Financial Irresponsibility
JKF - Army, Navy Air Force AWOL, Desertion
JKG - Fraudulent Entry
JKH - Lack of Dependent Support
JKK - Character or Behavior Disorder (see also JPC)
JKK - Drug use
JLK - Unsanitary Habits
JLL - Sexual Perversion
JMB - Character or Behavior Disorder
JMC - Enuresis
JMD - Inaptitude
JMF - Sexual Perversion
JMG - Alcoholism
JMH - Financial Irresponsibility
JMJ - Motivational problems
JMM - Drug use
JMN - Navy, USMC, USAF Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)
JMP - Unsanitary Habits
JNC - Misconduct, moral or professional dereliction
JND - Other, Concealment of arrest record
JNG - Unfitness (Reason Unknown)
JPB - Drug use
JPC - Drug abuse rehabilitative failure
JPD - Alcohol abuse rehabilitative failure
JRA - Engaged, attempted to engage or solicit another to engage in a homosexual act
JRB - Admission of Homosexuality or bisexuality
JRC - Marriage or attempted marriage to a person known to be of the same biological sex
KAK - Expiration of Term of Service
KBD - Retirement - 20 - 30 Years Service
KBH - Other
KBJ - Other
KBK - Normal expiration of Service
KBM - Early Release - Precluded from attaining eligibility for retirement with pay
KCC - Early Release - Other
KCE - Early Release - To attend school
KCF - Early Release - To attend school
KCK - Early Release - In the national interest
KCM - Conscientious Objector
KCO - Sole surviving son
KCP - Other
KDB - Dependency or Hardship
KDF - Pregnancy
KDG - Parenthood
KDH - Dependency or Hardship
KDJ - Early Release - In the national interest
KDK - Security program
KDM - Early Release - Other
KDM1 - Marine Corps order applicable to all members of a class, USMC
KDN - Other
KDP - Breach of Contract
KDQ - Breach of Contract
KDR - Early Release - Other
KDS - Breach of Contract
KEA - Expiration of Term of Service
KEB - Early Release - Other -
KEC - Expiration of Term of Service
KFB - Minority
KFF - Secretarial Authority, to be discharged or retire as an officer
KFG - Other
KFN - Released for Physical disability Existing Prior to Service
KFS - Good of the Service, in lieu of court-martial
KFT - Failure to qualify medically for flight training, no disability
KFV - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
KGF - Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention
KGH - No information on this code at this time.
KGL - Officer or Warrant Officer Commission program
KGM - Officer Commission program
KGN - Officer Warrant Officer Commission program in another service
KGS - Officer Commission program
KGT - Warrant Officer program
KGU - Service Academy
KGX - Officer Commission program
KHC - Immediate reenlistment
KHD - Other
KHF - Other
KHK - Substandard performance
KLG - Financial Irresponsibility
KLM - Unfitness (Reason Unknown)
KMN - Army Expeditious Discharge
KND - No definition on this code at this time
KNF - Other
KNL - Good of the Service
KOG - Early Release - Police Duty
KOJ - Early Release - Seasonal Employment
L68 - Involuntary release: non-selection for Indefinite Reserve status, USAF
LBB - Involuntary release maximum age, USN - Officers
LBB - Maximum age
LBC - Involuntary release completion of maximum period service according to grade, USN - Officers
LBC - Maximum service
LBH - Early Release - Insufficient Retainability
LBK - Expiration of Term of Service
LBK - Involuntary discharge at end active obligated service, USN - Enlisted
LBM - Navy, USMC, USAF Short length of time remaining after return from overseas or other duty
LBM - Within 3 months of end active obligated service, USN - Enlisted
LCC - Early Release - Reduction in authorized strength
LCC - General demobilization. reduction in force, USN - Enlisted
LDG - Inability to perform prescribed duties due to parenthood
LDK - Security reason
LDM - Strength adjustment, USN - Officers
LDN - Early Release - Lack of jurisdiction (other than void enlistment)
LDP - Breach of Contract
LDP6 - Nonfulfillment of service contract. the convenience of the government, with breach of contract payment, USAF
LDP7 - Nonfulfillment of service contract, with breach of contract and readjustment payment, USAF
LDP8 - Nonfulfillment of service contract. failure of selection for promotion, with breach of contract payment, USAF
LDP9 - Nonfulfillment of service contract. request for an extension of active duty disapproved, with breach of contract and readjustment payment, USAF
LDPA - Nonfulfillment of service contract. failure of selection for promotion, with breach of contract and readjustment payment, USAF
LDPB - Nonfulfillment of service contract. the convenience of the government, with readjustment payment, USAF
LDPC - Nonfulfillment of service contract, with readjustment payment, USAF
LDPD - Nonfulfillment of service contract. termination of extended active duty, with breach of contract payment, USAF
LDR - Early Release - Other
LED - CONUS-based airman lacks retainability for assignment, USAF
LED - Early Release - Insufficient Retainability
LET - Entry level status performance and conduct or pregnancy
LFC - Erroneous entry
LFF - Directed by service authority
LFG - Other
LFN - Physical disability existing prior to service as established by medical board. not entitled to severance pay., USN - Officers
LFR - Revert to inactive status. Retire age 60. No disability severance pay, USAF
LFT - Erroneous Enlistment or Induction or Unqualified for Active Duty - Medical
LGB - Failure of selection for permanent promotion
LGB - Failure of selection for permanent reserve promotion, USN - Officers
LGB - Involuntary release. Failed permanent promotion or removed from list, USAF
LGC - Failure of selection for temporary promotion
LGC - Involuntary release: twice failed temporary promotion, USAF
LGH - Failure to meet minimum standards of service
LGJ - Early Release - Disapproval of request for extension of service
LGJ - Involuntary release: disapproved request for extension of tour, USAF
LGJ - Request for extension of active duty denied (USNR), USN - Officers
LGJ1 - Request for extension of service denied upon initial EAS without readjustment pay/not selected for retention, USAF
LGJ2 - Request for extension of service denied upon extended EAS without readjustment pay/not selected for retention, USAF
LHD - Other
LHF - Navy, USMC, USAF Other
LHH - Service under sentence to dismissal awaiting appellate review
LHJ - Unsatisfactory performance
LIF - Secretarial Authority
LLM - Army Trainee Discharge
LND - Miscellaneous reasons (medical service personnel who receive unfavorable background investigation or National Agency check
LNF - Army Trainee Discharge
MBD - Hardship
MBH - Early Release - Insufficient Retainability
MBK - Completion of active-duty service commitment
MBK - Expiration of Term of Service
MBN - (ANGUS) (USAFR) Release from active duty
MBN - Expiration of Term of Service
MCF - To attend an educational facility
MCK - Early Release - In the national interest
MCQ - Sole surviving son, daughter or family member
MDB - Hardship
MDF - Pregnancy
MDG - Parenthood
MDH - Dependency or Hardship
MDJ - National interest
MDL - Early Release - To attend school
MDM - Early Release - Other
MDN - Other
MDP - Breach of Contract
MDR - Early Release - Other
MDS - Breach of Contract
MEB - Early Release - Other
MEC - Completed extended enlistment, USAF
MEC - Erroneous Enlistment or Induction
MEC - Expiration of Term of Service
MFA - Expiration of Term of Service
MFF - Secretarial Authority
MFG - Other
MGC - Early Release - Other
MGH - Warrant Officer program
MGJ - Early Release - Other
MGM - To accept commission
MGO - Early Release - Police Duty or Seasonal Employment
MGP - Interdepartmental transfer
MGR - Revert to Regular Army warrant officer status
MGU - To enter Service Academy
MGX - Officer Commission program
MHC - Immediate enlistment
MND - Miscellaneous reasons (in lieu of serving in lower grade than Reserve grade or by request - includes MC and DC officers) or in lieu of unqualified resignation
MNF - Other
MOD - Sole surviving son
MOJ - Early Release - In the national interest
NBD - Retirement - 20 - 30 Years Service
NDB - Dependency or Hardship
NDH - Early Release - To teach
NEF - Secretarial Authority
NET - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
NVC - Erroneous Enlistment or Induction
PGU - Service Academy
RB - Retirement - Over 30 Years Service
RBB - Retirement - Other
RBD - Retirement - 20 - 30 Years Service
RFJ - Permanent Disability - Retired
RFJ1 - Permanent disability retired list, USAF
RFK - Temporary Disability - Retired
RFK1 - Temporary disability retired list, USAF
SBB - Attain maximum age. mandatory retirement, USN - Officers
SBB - Mandatory retirement on established date, maximum age, USAF
SBC - Attain maximum time in grade/service. mandatory retirement, USN - Officers
SBC - Mandatory retirement on established date. maximum years of service, USAF
SBD - Retirement - 20 - 30 Years Service
SFE - Placed on temporary disability retired list, USN - Officers
SFJ - Permanent Disability - Retired
SFJ - Permanent disability retirement, USAF
SFJ - Permanent disability, USN - Enlisted
SFJ - Permanent disability, USN - Officers
SFK - Place on temporary disability retired list, USAF
SFK - Placed on temporary disability retired list, USN - Enlisted
SFK - Temporary Disability - Retired
SGB - Failure of selection for promotion, permanent, USN - Officers
SGB - Retired on established date non-selection permanent promotion or retained for retirement non-selection permanent promotion, USAF
SGC - Failure of selection for promotion, temporary, USN - Officers
SKU - No definition at this time
VFJ - Permanent Disability - Retired
VFJ - Revert to retired list with permanent disability, USAF
VFK - Revert to retired list and placed on temporary disability retired list, USAF
VFK - Temporary Disability - Retired
VNF - Other
WFK - Temporary Disability - Retired
XBK - Retirement - Other
XDM - Early Release - Other
XET - Unqualified for Active Duty - Other
XND - Other
XOH - Dependency or Hardship
XOP - Breach of Contract
XOS - Retirement - Other
YBK - Retirement - Other
YKG - Fraudulent Entry
YND - Other